Author, freelance writer & photographer


A Meditation on COVID-19

Now is the time to use your time and gifts wisely, fellow Travelers! This spring, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated social distancing and sheltering-in-place period, we are all being given the space and the opportunity to nurture our gifts like never before. Gone are the good reasons not to practice our arts, because all the meetings are cancelled, all the deadlines have been waived, all the events have been postponed. We are in an unprecendented time of... having time. Time to do what we were put here to do, whether it's literary, or educational, or musical, artistic, or culinary, botanical, or mechanical... whatever makes your heart sing is what you should be doing right now!

In my case, this "time between times" has given me the opportunity to really dig deep into my mission here on Earth: channeling via automatic writing in my journal and building a solid foundation for the marketing of my first book, just published late last year.

This first book is about the ascension process we are all going through together, and includes every single person on Earth, our pets and other animals, the rocks and trees and water, the planet itself (actually, Herself), and even beings on other planets in the Universe. As humans are waking up, they are realizing that we are all part of an immense, interconnected web that binds us all together – it’s like the Force (haha) ! I wrote this book because it’s what I was put here to do…. because being a way-shower in written form is my reason for incarnating on Earth at this time. I was literally put here to be just a few steps ahead, so I could write it down and in essence tell people, “OK, just around this next corner, here’s what you should expect, so be ready.” To do that task, I listen to what “My Team” says and use automatic writing to put it down on paper in journal format.

Here's a short excerpt, and appropriately, it addresses the concept of time:

Archangel Michael:

All Beings are feeling the Shift, Beloved. This you have seen in the past few days. Your friend Robert was responding and reacting to your energy spikes; you were reacting to him and to others in the room. This concept of time/Time – you got the lesson very quickly, Beloved, and you got the lesson very quickly! Gone are the days when decades passed between discoveries. In the Now, all happens as one (at once), and if you are still trying to apply 3D tools and ideas and behaviors, the result will not satisfy any longer.

Everyone’s “time” is speeding up, or at least this is your perception. Your scientists have measured the Schumann Resonance, which they accurately call the “heartbeat of the planet,” and it is increasing, up from 7.83 Hertz in 1970 when you were born to 12.5 now in 2016. We will tell you that it is speeding up because your slower linear way of thinking, acting, and reacting is no longer sufficient for multidimensional beings, which you are now becoming (and already are!). This speeding up is a natural and welcome expression of a new, higher-order way of seeing and feeling your planet. It is the way you have always wanted, and should have seen the world, but your ideas of what you would see were altered. “Scotoma” – the eyes see what the mind expects to see – is an apt way to describe this. Your author Michael Crichton wrote about this many years ago in his book Travels, when he said, “What if we only expect things to take a long time, but they could really be complete in just a few moments?”

This is real, and since you know that time (small “t”) is subjective and malleable, it should be no surprise that many things which formerly took a long time, would now be over in an instant! As you and the others adjust to each new wave, each new level of energy pouring into your Earth, the feeling of pressure and of being overwhelmed will subside. You will acclimate to the new expectations; and, We have no doubt, rise to the occasion. In the meantime, the symptoms (headache, eye strain, backache, stomachache, general lethargy, tiredness (or hyper-awakeness), muddle-headedness, irritability, and cold and flu symptoms) will come and go. Often these symptoms, especially the need to sleep and the colds and flu (which aren’t really viruses or germs, but rather a reaction to energy pouring in, and the body’s systems adjusting), are signs to you to rest more and “take some items off your plate.” We love this image – “off the plate” – as it so easily conveys the need to do less, and in an easily understandable way! Many others before you have written well of these signs and symptoms, so we will not belabor the point, but be Aware, Beloved One, be Awake, and be gentle with yourself and others. As your Matt Kahn says, when people are angry or mean, they need more love, not less. Find compassion for the Souls not yet Awakened to the new era – this new Time, this new Now – and send them Love, if you can. You will discover that the more Love you give, the more Love there is, for truly, “like attracts like” and what you pay attention to, flourishes.

We will send more later today. For now, go and work. As requested, We will help you organize your “time.” (laughter)